What is Crossover Fiction?

What is Crossover Fiction?

The magic pixie dust for how to reach lots and lots of readers may be elusive, but two things about book discoverability are indisputable: readers are always on the look out for good stories and writers are increasingly desperate to find their people. While the...
Girl Sent Away

Girl Sent Away

In Lynne Griffin’s new novel, Girl Sent Away, she takes on a topic that’s rarely discussed but which richly deserves our attention: the fear-based teenage boot camps that serve as a dark undercurrent to our domestic culture. In this book, Griffin explores...

Complex Marriages in Fiction

Since the moment my husband and I announced our engagement—twenty-six years ago—I’ve heard just about all the marriage advice imaginable. “Marry your best friend.” “Marriage is work.” “Don’t go to bed angry.”  Cliches without specifics didn’t resonate with me then,...